The short story ‘Ox’ has been published in the Gem Street anthology from Labello Press. Ox A man in a nightclub becomes fixated with a girl sporting a partially obscured ‘noughts and crosses’ tattoo peeking out of her dress. Overcome with the desire to find out which side won, he sets about attempting to seduce he. But he is not
‘Interactions’ anthology available at the discounted price of £12 for a limited period. All proceeds go to Interact Reading Service. The book features work by; Ruth Rendell, Toby Young, Nell Dunn, Seamus Heaney, Alan Ayckbourn, Max Stafford-Clark, Lolita Chakrabati, Alan McCormick, Christian Cook, Adrian Henri, Emily Pedder, Vicky Paine, Pete Barrett.
The story ‘Facing East,’ winner of the 2012 Ruth Rendell Short Story Award has been published in the ‘Interactions’ anthology. All proceeds go to aid the work of the Interact Reading Service in using live readers in hospitals and clubs to aid stroke recovery. Facing East A boy lying in a wheat field is counting down the days until he
InterAct are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2012 Ruth Rendell Short Story competition is Christian Cook with his story Facing East. Baroness Rendell presented the award to Christian on Tuesday 8th May at a ceremony held at the St Bride Foundation near Fleet Street. Also highly commended were Dorothy Moir’s story Under Her Pillow in third place
The short story ‘Undertone’ was a finalist at the Momaya Press Awards. Transcript of speech at award ceremony: I’d like to thank Momaya Press for this opportunity to have my work read. Any writer given a single choice of fame, fortune or being widely read would choose to be read. But I won’t turn down any offers of fortune, just